The event was developed to give religious youth groups in the Pakyi community the platform to urge government and the international community to fulfill the MDGs promises they made in 2000—through football! In Africa (and Ghana is no exception) football offers youth an excellent forum to unite, have fun and show support for causes.
The objectives were to:
- Create awareness about the MDGs;
- Remind government to implement MDGs-based development strategies;
- Maintain the focus on poor and vulnerable groups, particularly children, youth, physically disabled people, and women’s groups;
- Demand increased transparency, accountability, monitoring and evaluation on MDGs related government programmes.
The main event was a game of football at Pakyi no2 Presby School Park between teams comprised of different faiths from the Pakyi area in Ghana. The competition was designed to send a symbolic message of unity from Muslims and Christian youth to Ghanaians that peace, especially among tribal and religious groups, is essential to reduce poverty and achieve the MDGs.
The five teams were named after the MDGs (with the name of the faith following):
- Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger (Ghana Apostolic church)
- Achieve Universal Primary Education (the church of Pentecost)
- Promote Gender Equality and empower Women (Presbyterian church)
- Reduce Child Mortality (Muslim Youth Team)
- Improve Maternal Health (Global Believers church)
“Actions and Passion to Kick Out Poverty and Win the Trophy”
YPWC donated jerseys that were branded with the goals to each team who selected their MDG in a ballot just before kick-off. The first match was officially “kicked off” by Hon. Abeiko Ahin.
Four(4) churches and a team from the Muslim community played together for the trophy. Each team vowed to kick out poverty in their friendly match with their opponents.
The final winner was Ghana Apostolic Church (Eradicate extreme poverty and Hunger), beating the church of Pentecost 2-1 in the finals.
The teams and the dignitaries enjoyed refreshments after the short presentation and closing ceremony.
At the end of the day, ‘Games against Poverty’ gave participants, guests and dignitaries a chance to truly understand what the MDGs stand for and to ‘STAND UP, TAKE ACTION AND MAKE NOISE’ themselves. A total number of 3002 people raised a loud voice and made noise against poverty, many signing onto the campaign.
Read more about our activities at YPWC's main web site.