Dear YPWC's
I hope you all had a good start to the new year! Please see below for some information on what is going on with the launch of the Road to Rio + 20 project and how YOU can get involved:
YPWC Excited about Participation in Rio + 20 Partners Meeting in the UK:
On January 28 - 31 2011, Young People We Care representatives Michael Boampong (Founder and Principal advisor for YPWC) and Johanna Dans (joining the YPWC team in February as the Regional Coordinator for the Road to Rio + 20 Project - West and Central Africa) will gather together with representatives of the 13 Road to Rio + 20 partner organizations in Buntingford, UK, to discuss and plan our exciting involvement in the project.
Road to Rio+20 Global Youth Survey on Sustainable Development
Peace Child International in partnership with YPWC will organize and host an Africa Regional Summit in Accra, Ghana as part of the Road to Rio consultation process to place youth at the centre of the Earth Summit in Rio in 2012. The main theme will be sustainability and the role youth can play in ensuring that governments do not drop the goals of the original Earth Summit held in 1992, as well as identifying what young people can do. We need your input! Please help us gather information for Road to Rio Project by completing a 10 question short survey here. As a thank you, you'll be able to enter the draw for the participation in one of our Road to Rio+20 regional meetings around the world, in the summer/fall of 2011.
As a recent addition to theYPWC team this coming February, I am also hoping to strenghten the already existing bonds between YPWC that have been linking it with international partners, and especially those in West and Central Africa, to work together in this warm and welcoming atmosphere to work for such an important cause as promoting young people's involvement in sustainable development.
If you have any questions on Road to Rio + 20 project, our would like to become involved, please don't hesitate to contact: Michael Boampong at or Johanna Dans