Youth Change 180: An International Film Festival for Youth by Youth
This is a short film festival for youth to allow youth to show themselves positively impacting their community, “telling a story of leadership and social justice.”
The organizers say that they are more interested in story than cinematic craftsmanship. Entries are open to youth 18 years and younger.
We came across another interesting, youth-led article on Mon Aug 16, 2010. African Youth Raise their Voices on Climate Change edited by Esther Agbarakwe, Founder and Coordinator of The Nigeria Youth Climate Coalition.
“Already young people in Africa are recognisin that climate change will undermine efforts to eradicate poverty and achieve the Millenium Development Goals. This raises serious questions about justice and equity. The present generation of African youth will spend the next 40 years of their lives de-carbonising the environment even though they have not been the ones responsible for climate change.”
The article explained that young people in Africa are uniting to be heard under the umbrella African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC), with a regional office in Nairobi, Kenya, and connected with The Nigerian and Ghana Youth Climate Coalition groups.
They ask, “What do the wealthiest nations that have grown rich by polluting the environment owe to the young people in regions that are hit hardest by climate change?”
This is a huge question and one we will continuously try to address at YPWC. You can read more at our site by clicking the link.
10 tell tale signs that the global warming is a dying hoax
ReplyDeleteGlobal warming hysteria, whose gravy train INGOs and environmental organizations jumped into for the last decade or so, has run its course. Climate alarmism is dying a slow and painful death. Here are some telltale signs that it is in its deathbed, grasping for its last breath:
1. Re-branding exercises
We live in this age of advertisement where if something isn't working, the first remedy is often to change the offending name. Repeated attempts to re-brand global warming are one of these. Global warming first metamorphosed as “climate change”. This worked for some years but such was the gross misuse and abuse of the term that the public soon developed allergic to this term too and thus the desperate search for an alternative term in the last few months. Some alternatives recently floated are “climate weirdness” and “climate disruption “, the last coined by President Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren.
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It’s not only sceptics that have raised our flags of victory. George Monbiot, the journalist czar of global warming, of the Guardian, just conceded defeat in his latest blog "Climate change enlightenment was fun while it lasted. But now it's dead" Read more: