YPWC –Regional Partner of Youth Service America
Invites YOU to join us on Global Youth Service Day
Every year, children and youth around the world dedicate their time, effort and heart to serving their communities and changing lives.
Every one of them is a hero.
Every one of them deserves to be appreciated, supported and respected.
The Global Youth
Service Day (GYSD) is a time when all these young people with big hearts and even bigger
dreams come together to celebrate their efforts and the power of youth to
effect change in our world. In the past, youth have undertaken projects ranging
from clean-up activities to tree planting activities.
But more than just celebrating, GYSD also provides a platform to bring
these youth together, to link projects and build partnerships across the globe.
The strength of a chain is in the strength of its weakest link.GYSD aims to strengthen these links. After all, in the realm of advocacy and social change, the smallest community action project is as important as bigger projects.
Young People
We Care (YPWC) is proud to be a GYSD regional partner of Youth Service America (YSA). In
2012, we will expand our efforts to promoting and encouraging youth
participation and initiatives in serving their communities through our network
in Ghana and worldwide. We are a firm partner and supporter of GYSD.
Do you have a burning desire to do something to make the world a more sustainable one? Or do you prefer taking matters into your own hands, becoming a leader and putting ideas into action? Do you want to learn more about what others are doing around the world?Itching to do something?
Well, here is something prepared by GYSD to help you get started!
Information about GYSD
Steps to project planning
Prepare and Plan
Demonstrate and Celebrate
I am ready for action and plan to reach to wider population worldwide to know them our working. I am involved in environmental Conservation action in nepal and advocating our Himalayan region issues in Asian Countries.Plaese let me know more in my mail ashish.environment@gmail.com.
Ashish Adhikari Tribhuvan University