The period from 12th August 2010 to 12th August 2011 has been proclaimed an International Year of Youth with the theme “Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”. The three key areas of focus under this theme include increasing (i) commitment and investment in youth; (ii) youth participation and partnerships; and (iii) inter-cultural understanding among youth. The theme after all responds to the interest of young people that they should be consulted through dialogue and also be understood to be mutual partners in development at every level.
At YPWC we are excited to hear about this proclamation as it re-echoes our passion to promote intergenerational dialogue and ensure youth participation in development issues that affect them. We embrace the theme of the International Year of Youth not just in principle but also in practice. And with our staff and volunteers, we will continue to enhance mutual understanding on youth and development issues through initiatives like the “2010 Online Youth Consultation on Migration and Development” and “Global Citizenship Education and the MDGs”.
Today, in most societies, young people are benefiting from development through globalizations and technological advancement. For instance, young people are using new media and social networks to acquire information and also make their voices heard. On the other hand, youth un- and under-employment is on the increase and have rendered many without the means to live independently while others have no other option than to migrate across boarders to search of employment and educational opportunities even when it is at the peril of their life if migration is undertaken illegally( irregular migration). With new challenges and opportunities between generations, it is essential that efforts are made to mitigate the negative effects through intergenerational dialogues to foster intergenerational solidarity.
At YPWC, we would like to know from you:
• What policies do you expect your Government to enact to promote youth development?
• What can be done to increase dialogue and mutual understanding by Government and youth?
As you answer these questions don’t forget to organize or join an existing activity during the International Year of Youth with enthusiasm and sustain momentum over the next 12 months with your friends and colleagues. Some of the activities you can undertake include: organizing community meetings or events and inviting local Government and/or UN system officials for presentations or question & answer sessions; encouraging and supporting youth to engage in community service; organizing training seminars where youth can educate others on modern skills, such as new technologies and online tools; and participating in interactive radio programming on youth development topics. Feel free to get creative and think big!
For information on the International Year of Youth please visit: http://social.un.org/youthyear/
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